Wonderville's favorite problem-solving duo, Pinkfong and Hogi, assembles a group of friends to produce their first-ever live concert. The crew must learn to come together as a team and compromise as they create the ultimate interactive experience with sing-along lyrics and matching choreography. Pinkfong Sing-Along Movie 2: Wonderstar Concert is a sequel to the movie Pinkfong & Baby Shark’s Space Adventure (2020), filled with Pinkfong's most beloved songs, including the global mega-hit, Baby Shark!
Amanda and John adopt a gorgeous baby girl from Europe. After years of angst and disappointment, they finally adopt the baby they had dreamed about. But something is not quite right and after a short time they uncover shocking, scary and possibly life threatening secrets about how the baby actually came to them.
Corsica, 1995. It’s Lesia’s first summer as a teenager. One day a man bursts into her life and takes her to an isolated villa where she finds her father, in hiding, surrounded by his clan. An underworld war erupts. The noose is tightening around them. Death strikes. Forced to go on the run, father and daughter will learn to face one another, to understand and love each other…
The current dating landscape is bleak at best and no one is more aware of this than Mackenzie, a disillusioned 25-year old law student whose love life consists of non-committal hookups and situationships from hell. When she has a “real life meet-cute” with Finn, a handsome and charming journalist who isn’t afraid to show affection, she starts to believe true love may actually exist. When Finn’s dark side begins to emerge, Mackenzie finds herself trapped in a tumultuous and depleting cycle of emotional abuse, and must confront whether her true love is too good to be true after all.
路易再一次以门房角色现身,但这不是一个化身博士的故事,而是一个潜能开发课程。究竟这个一如往常会搞砸所有事情的年轻人能够顺利代替往生的艺人在「一炮而红」(the Patsy)节目上大放光彩吗?
影片依旧用色大胆,声音处理也依然令人兴奋(当然,路易的高反差嗓门同样要教观众忍受…),更甚者,片中安排了两场哑剧段落,肯定让路易迷大呼过瘾。不过即使它依然精彩,但对于路易的电影接受度,仍然只有「leave it or take it」…「the choice is yours」。
BTW,曾饰演《M》(可诅咒的人)的Peter Lorre即使外型上已经很难辨识了,但他一开口说话~天啊,我们脑海里又会自动描绘那幅墙上黑影与拿气球的小女孩…
痴迷脱口秀笑话表演的鲁帕(Robert De Niro 饰)梦想自己也能站在舞台上享受观众的欢呼,借疯狂粉丝玛莎(Sandra Bernhard 饰)创造的机会,鲁帕得以和脱口秀明星杰瑞交谈,鲁帕踌躇满志的自我介绍,虽然杰瑞敷衍了事,但鲁帕仍视自己为杰瑞的好友。为了能在心爱的丽塔面前出人头地,鲁帕不惜一些代价要获得与杰瑞同台表演的机会,另一方面杰瑞被鲁帕的纠缠搞到忍无可忍,将鲁帕与并不知情的丽塔赶出家门。杰瑞的行为激怒了鲁帕,他与玛莎合作绑架杰瑞,威胁电视台播放自己的表演,鲁帕终于如愿以偿,掀起一场轩然大波……
In this sequel film, all the characters remain the same; Al is still unemployed, Jane still has show-biz aspirations for boyfriend Steve; Steve and Seymour are still partners, and Irma is still Irma, which isn't all that easy. Al gets Steve a singing job on television, which is seen by a Hollywood producer. He signs Steve to a long term movie contract, and all hands depart for Hollywood. But, alas, the producer turns out to be an escaped lunatic, and they end up in Las Vegas, where Irma manages to get kidnapped by gangsters, who are very unhappy with Irma.
MY DEAD FRIEND ZOE is a dark comedy drama that follows the journey of Merit, a U.S. Army Afghanistan veteran who is at odds with her family thanks to the presence of Zoe, her dead best friend from the Army. Despite the persistence of her VA group counselor, the tough love of her mother and the levity of an unexpected love interest, Merit's cozy-dysfunctional friendship with Zoe keeps the duo insulated from the world. That is until Merit's estranged grandfather—holed up at the family's ancestral lake house—begins to lose his way and is need of the one thing he refuses... help. At its core, this is about a complicated friendship, a divided family and the complex ways in which we process grief.
Two members of a defunct neo-Nazi metal band reunite at the site of their band-mate's suicide. One sinks into depravity and grievance and one tries to atone for what he has done. What ensues is an occult battle of wills.
Set one year after the events of Hell House LLC II: The Abaddon Hotel, the hotel is on the verge of being torn down when it is purchased by billionaire Russell Wynn (Gabriel T. Chytry) as the new home for his popular interactive show, “Insomnia.” He invites journalist Venessa Sheppard (Elizabeth Vermilyea) and her crew to record everything happening inside the hotel leading up to the performance, but they soon encounter a more nefarious plot, one that threatens to unleash a veritable hell on earth.
经历了常人难以想象的痛苦与折磨,威兹堡温莎大学杀人案的幸存者悉妮·普利斯科特(内维·坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰),如今隐居在山中,通过电话对有着生活危机的女性们进行心理辅导。与此同时,她的事迹被改编成系列恐怖电影“血腥刺杀”(Stab),第3部《Stab》的主角卡顿却被当街杀害。这一事件让悉妮、戴维(David Arquette 饰)以及盖尔(Courteney Cox 饰)重新聚首。而鬼脸杀手更是阴魂不散,在好莱坞引发了新一轮的血腥屠杀……
本片系“惊声尖叫”系列第3部,荣获2000年青年选择奖最具化学作用的组合奖(Courteney Cox & David Arquette)、2001年大热门娱乐奖最佳男主角(David Arquette)和最佳女主角奖(Neve Campbell)。
血雨腥风再度向温莎学院袭来!一对儿学生情侣在观看恐怖电影时被头套面具的凶徒当众杀死,而台下观众在案发时以为是电影造成的一场玩笑而无人制止。另一方面,希德妮(内芙?坎贝尔 Neve Campbell 饰)现在已经是克兹镇上的知名人物,在卡顿维瑞因魏盖尔的新书无罪释放后,媒体和警方再次将注意力集中在希德妮身上。同时,面具杀人狂再次大开杀戒,而神秘的电话也继续纠缠希德妮和她身边的人。
楚其被熔毁之后八年,玩具公司为打开销路考虑再度推出“好家伙”公仔,他们将当年楚其的残骸回收,再度制作使其复活,获得重生的楚其为了完成灵魂转移,将玩具公司总裁杀死后消失于夜色。安迪(Justin Whalin 饰)经历了八年收养生活,此时来到一所军校就读,当年楚其留给他的恐怖回忆仍然挥之不去,而在学校中应付严苛的助理上校谢尔顿(Travis Fine 饰)亦并不轻松。楚其将自己邮寄到军校以寻找安迪,不料却被小学员二等兵泰勒占为已有,楚其认为自己的身体获得新生,可以摆脱必须占有安迪身体的宿命,随即把自己的秘密告知泰勒,并计划夺走泰勒的肉身。安迪不能坐视同侪受害,再度与楚其展开抗争……
美国芝加哥的午夜,杀人犯雷在警探迈克(克里斯·萨兰登 Chris Sarandon )的追捕中身负枪伤,仓皇逃入了一家玩具店,走投无路下,雷念起咒语,将灵魂转移到了一个玩具公仔身上。在商场做售货员的单身母亲凯伦(凯瑟琳·海克丝 Catherine Hicks 饰)为儿子安迪(艾力克斯·文森特 Alex Vincent 饰)的生日礼物发愁,当她看到流浪汉出售的便宜公仔时,兴冲冲的买下了。而这个安迪渴望的礼物,实际正是那只收纳了杀人犯雷的灵魂的公仔。自称“楚其”的公仔在无人时便开口和安迪对话,并杀死了安迪的阿姨和自己昔日的同伙,安迪目睹公仔杀人的线索,却苦于无人相信。凯伦不久终于发现了公仔的秘密,但似乎为时已晚……
美丽女孩蕾贝卡(莎拉·博格 Sarah Bolger 饰)是一家女子教会寄宿学校的学生,开朗热情的她在学校结识了许多好朋友,其中金发女孩露西(莎拉·戈登 Sarah Gadon 饰)与之关系最为融洽。二人形影不离,无话不说,亲密无间。新学期伊始,高挑冷艳的恩妮莎(莉莉·科尔 Lily Cole 饰)转入她们的学校。恩妮莎那妖媚的神秘气息令蕾贝卡备感不适,可是露西似乎对其颇有好感,二人越走越近。与此同时,恩妮莎似乎也勾起蕾贝卡深埋心中的不堪回忆。这个恍如从哥特恐怖小说中走出来的女子,究竟藏着怎样的秘密……
本片根据Rachel Klein 同名畅销科幻恐怖小说。
卡梅伦(斯蒂芬·莱克 Stephen Lack 饰)没有住所,没有工作,整日在街头闲逛的他内心充满了抑郁和怒火,没有人知道,他所拥有的能够肆意操纵他人的可怕超能力。一天,在超市里游荡的卡梅伦无意之中听到了两个女人对他的嘲笑,盛怒之下,他出手了。这一事件将卡梅伦带到了名为保罗(帕特里克·麦高汉 Patrick McGoohan 饰)的医生面前,就此改变了卡梅伦的人生。