本地记录 云端记录


Detective Philip Lovecraft lives in Los Angeles in the 1950s when an ambitious Senator is holding hearings, on Magic. Magic is the new influence in Tinsel Town. Lovecraft is unique in that he is the only one who refuses to use magic in his work. Shortly after he is hired, he finds his client, Kim Hudson, accused of the murder of her husband, a film executive. Philip uses the tallents of a local witch, Kropotkin, to explain what is happening only to see her accused of the murder and sentenced to be burnt at the stake. Reminiscent of Roger Rabbit, without the toons.



    生灵涂炭的八年抗战终于结束,而国共两党之间的解放战争也正式拉开序幕。蒋介石(孙飞虎 饰)调动大军从延安向西北扫荡,大有将异己彻底剿灭之势头。毛泽东(古月 饰)、周恩来等中央领导向北撤退,期间更与陕北失去联系,革命面临着最危急的时刻。在此紧要关头,刘邓大军决定冒险渡河,砍断蒋军的哑铃把子。然而一千里路的黄河自然环境极其凶险恶劣,此外沿途早有国军重兵把守,尤其是六十六师宋瑞珂挂帅的鲁西南兵团,是刘伯承(傅学诚 饰)、邓小平(卢奇 饰)挺近的重大阻碍。   狭路相逢勇者胜,反攻前夕,决定中国历史的鲁西南战役正式打响……