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Moving to Portland, Oregon and finding work in food service is easy for Paul and Ramona. A struggling musician without bandmates, Paul becomes introverted and moody. Ramona's friend from college introduces her to a new social circle and she goes out while Paul stays home. When Ramona confronts turning thirty, it's time to grow beyond old routines and her relationship with Paul comes to a head.  Paul and Ramona, a young couple in need of a change, move to Portland, Oregon from their hometown of Boise. Upon arriving, they sublet an apartment and begin to familiarize themselves with the city. While finding work is easy (Ramona begins waitressing, while Paul gets a job at a coffee shop), change is difficult. Their life in this new city seems to be on repeat. When their car breaks down and a tandem bicycle becomes their primary means of transportation, Ramona refuses to ride.  A struggling musician, Paul, spends most of his time at home, steadily becoming introverted and moody, while Ramona, at the insistence of a co-worker, is thrust into a new social circle, where she begins an affair with a co-worker. Ramona and Paul’s relationship implodes after she confesses and in the ensuing conflict, she impulsively leaves to stay with a friend. Paul, desperate to work through the pain of the split, befriends a quirky barista named Ali. This friendship gives him a chance to begin to heal and inspires him to focus on expression through his music.



    狄德利希·赫斯林是奈泽西小城造纸厂老板的儿子。他从小欺软怕硬,害怕权势,又追求权势。他爱在老师面前打小报告,以看到别人挨批评而高兴。上了寄宿学校后,他更多的接触到女孩。当他获得他的爱情后,却拒绝与之结婚,因为她还有另外一个追求者,因为被他认为不够纯洁。他也拿到了博士学位。但不是为了就职或进行学术研究,而是为了追求金钱势力。他父亲去世后,由他接替父亲当造纸厂的老板。他见风使舵,周旋于自由党人和社会民...   《臣仆》是亨利希·曼批判现实主义文学的代表作。导演试图通过影片作一次人的本性的揭露。通过巧妙的蒙太奇和画面的叠化,对“臣仆精神”进行了无情的讽刺。当表现狄德利希·赫斯林的奴性时,利用,利用了俯视镜头,把他低三下四跪近皇帝的样子缩成蛆虫般大小。表现他以势欺人时,又利用了仰视镜头,把他放大到巨人一般,将帝国时代奴颜卑膝,可鄙而危害社会的德国小市民的典型刻画地淋漓尽致,