本地记录 云端记录


Injured while risking his life to save an angry German shepard, Chicago Firefighter Jack Moniker retires and moves to a small carribean island named St. Nicholas. There, he is befriended by the owner of a run-down resort, Ernest Reed. Greedy developers are schemeing to wrest Reed's coveted beach front property from him for non-payment of taxes. Jack comes to Ernest's rescue, and together they renovate and reopen the resort catering to affluent Americans. The film follows the zany exploits of the proprietors, guests and various colorful island denizans, as they break in the new "Club Paradise".



    冯齐(林申 饰)与比他大8岁的陈颜(朱俐颖 饰)邂逅在火车上,冯齐对她一见倾心,但离异且有一女儿的陈颜不置可否。后来,冯齐考上了军校,主动提出与陈颜建立恋爱关系,都遭陈屡屡拒绝。冯齐反而义无反顾地展开了爱情攻势,他想让陈颜重新树立起对爱情的信心,架不住冯齐多次热烈的表白,陈颜最终答应了冯齐的追求,甚至将女儿未来的前途都寄希望于这个比自已小的男人。当冯齐的父母得知自己的儿子找了一个年龄很大的拖油瓶,表示坚决反对,在多次与儿子沟通未果的情况下,他们找到部队的领导做他的工作,面对如山的压力,冯齐渐渐退缩了,不知该怎样去面对他曾经信誓旦旦的陈颜......