Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abandoned barn of his cousin Charles, he sees an opportunity to start a business. The two acolytes join forces with Alice, a young YouTuber known for her market gardening videos, and emb...
A ship carrying a band of black-marketeers, including a beautiful woman, eludes police after a battle at sea and lands on a remote island where a marine meteorological observatory is stationed. They take over the observatory but tragedy ensues as a violent typhoon approaches the island.
Whether the Weather is Fine, director Carlo Francisco Matanad (The Philippines). Production Cinematografica Films (The Philippines), Armi Rae Cacanindin. Feature film. Funding 30,000 €
在某个毗邻湖泊的小镇,身形巨大的食人鳄鱼四下出没,伤人无数,成为地方百姓最为恐惧却无法除去的恐怖所在。在特瑞莎警长(伊丽莎白·罗姆 Elisabeth Rohm)的主持下,高压电网围湖建起,暂时保证了地方的安全。谁知一群盗猎者不知好歹,偷偷进入隔离区,导致食人鳄鱼兽性大发,杀人如麻,更乘机跑出隔离区。
是夜,警长的女儿克洛伊(Poppy Lee Friar 饰)岁高中同学外出露营,夜深人静之时,猥琐的大巴车司机心不在焉,开车误闯隔离区。当晚司机惨遭鳄鱼吞噬。次日清晨,无知的少男少女在湖边快乐玩耍,殊不知危险正慢慢向他们逼近。死神降临,血腥盛筵拉开序幕……
美国的一个小镇,Jefferson Smith(詹姆斯·斯图尔特 James Stewart饰)是当地的童子军的首领,深受青少年们的喜爱,被选为新的参议员,来到了华盛顿。遇到了他父亲的老朋友,同为参议员的Joseph Paine(克劳德·雷恩斯 Claude Rains饰),并且迷上了Joseph的漂亮女儿。单纯的Jefferson从来没来过华盛顿,在华盛顿闹了不少笑话,被媒体纷纷取笑。Joseph让Jefferson起草一个提案,并让他的女秘书Clarissa Saunders(琪恩·亚瑟 Jean Arthur 饰)协助Jefferson。然而Jefferson却发现,他的这个所谓参议员不过是其他老谋深算的参议员手中的木偶,他发现了他们一个巨大的阴谋。Jefferson决定以自己单薄的力量来对抗那群人,来改变这个腐败的政治环境。到底他能否成功?史密斯先生的华盛顿之旅会如何结束?
白人公司职员克里斯·马特森(帕特里克·威尔森 Patrick Wilson 饰)与黑人女作家丽莎(凯丽·华盛顿 Kerry Washington 饰)建立了超越种族的爱情,婚后他们搬到安详宁静的“湖景水坝”,享受着甜蜜的幸福。但是他们喜悦的心情并未持续太久,马特森夫妇的邻居名叫阿贝尔?特纳(塞缪尔·杰克逊 Samuel L. Jackson 饰),是供职于洛杉矶警署的一名黑人警官。阿贝尔严厉古板,不苟言笑,而且似乎对跨种族的婚姻存有深深的敌意,也因此马特森夫妇成了他的眼中钉,肉中刺。
Claude is a self-made hitman who gets picked up by the big boys to handle a troublesome witness. But the job turns out to be a little more difficult than he expects...