Elise, a very promising classical dancer, is injured during a performance at 26 years old. Although she's told she will no longer be able to dance, she will try to find a new direction in contemporary dance.
Albert and Bruno are in the red, compulsive consumers, over-indebted, they live between petty schemes for one and a personal life adrift for the other. It is in the associative path, which they both take to get their heads above water, that they will come across young rebellious activists, climate alarmists, lovers of social justice and eco-responsibility. More attracted by bee...
这电影估计不会有多少人留意,因为单单看年代,1948年,就会直接忽略过去了。 别嫌这个电影译名老套,要是喜欢爵士乐的朋友,这可是非常经典的电影,不信的话,你可以看看演员列表就知道了。 一位编纂音乐百科全书的教授,决定走访民间收集现实生活音乐材料,遇上了想摆脱帮派男友的迷人爵士歌手,从此巧遇了一段美妙开怀的音乐与爱情体验。 A Song is Born,1948重摄改编于Ball of Fire,承接了类似的故事架构,却更纯粹多彩。 全片集结了许多一时之选的爵士歌曲,例如女主角Honey Swanson以独特嗓音演唱的DADDY-O,以及STEALIN' APPLES,FLYING HOME,I'M GETTIN' SENTIMENTAL OVER YOU还有MUSKRAT RAMBLE,随兴悦耳的旋律,都珍贵地随着电影保存下来。 此片的多彩更表现在强大的卡司阵容。 Tommy Dorsey, Benny Goodman, Louis Armstrong, Lionel Hampton and Charlie Barnet.活跃于Big Band(大乐队爵士)时代的著名人物,在这部电影里齐聚一堂。1948年,是继Big Band而起的摇摆爵士乐逐渐没落的年代,这样的齐聚一堂相当具有历史意义! 而爵士樂的指标性人物Louis Armstrong,也在此片中飾演自己。 他沙哑富感情的嗓音也原汁原味的保留了下来。 从任何方面来看,此片都是绝对不能错过的爵士经典!
Straight-laced, type-A personality Joy Miles has to take an unscheduled road trip to drive her forgetful, yet opinionated, mother-in-law, Loraine, from Louisville, Kentucky to Savannah, Georgia. Although initially impatient and frustrated, Joy begins to realize her true affection for Loraine as she takes a front-seat-view of how this strong-willed yet free-spirited woman manages the emotional transition of learning to live life after losing her spouse. Despite their many differences, and with light-hearted adventures at every turn, they discover how much they respect and even need each other.
Honor's sole focus is getting into Harvard. Willing to do whatever it takes, Honor concocts a plan to take down her top three competitors, until things take a turn when she unexpectedly falls for her biggest competition.
Molly, a paranormal con artist who cleans people of their valuables instead of their demons, accidentally rips off a Drug Kinpin. She now has to save her kidnapped partner and herself while battling through the under belly of Los Angeles.
he wealthiest man in the world, John P. Merrick, is a private person who likes to stay anonymous. One of his many assets, and a minor one at that, is Neeley's Department Store. There is labor unrest at the store, most of the employees' anger directed at Merrick, who they hang in effigy outside the store despite not knowing what he looks like. Merrick, not happy at what he sees going on, decides to go undercover working at the store to mete out the rabble-rousers. Undercover as Thomas Higgins, Merrick gets assigned as a sales clerk in the shoe department, where he is taken under the caring wing of his colleague Mary Jones, who sees in Higgins a poor man needing the guidance of friends. One of those other friends is Elizabeth Ellis, who Mary sees as a possible "Mrs. Higgins". Mary's boyfriend is Joe O'Brien, the chief organizer of the employees, four hundred of whom are following Joe in the charge against the store and Merrick. At the store, Merrick not only wants the list of the four hundred, but also wants to change those things he doesn't like at the store, chief amongst those being his shoe department section manager, Mr. Hooper. But as Higgins, Merrick also begins to see things a little differently, specifically from an employee's point of view.
米歇尔(梅甘·洁特·马丁 Meaghan Jette Martin 饰)出生在一个并不富裕的家庭之中,因为父亲工作的缘故,米歇尔幼时常常搬家,因此身边并没有非常交心的朋友,个性敏感而又内向的她常常会因为自己的经历和出身感到自卑。
这一次,米歇尔转入了北岸高中就读,在那里认识了校园女王曼蒂(玛雅拉·沃什 Maiara Walsh 饰)和经常受到曼蒂霸凌的女孩艾比(詹妮弗·斯通 Jennifer Stone 饰)。受艾比父亲所托,米歇尔决定和艾比成为朋友,两人的出双入对很快就激怒了曼蒂,米歇尔的这一举动无异于当众忤逆曼蒂。于是,曼蒂将米歇尔也划入了敌人名单之中,开始对她进行猛烈的“攻击”。
鲍勃(马特·达蒙 Matt Damon 饰)和华特(格雷戈·金尼尔 Greg Kinnear)这一对双胞胎兄弟从小就备受关注,因为打娘胎里出来的那一刻起,他们相互联结的手臂就注定了他们不平凡的人生。幸运的是,童年时代的两兄弟并没有因为身体上的异常而受到他人的歧视,恰恰相反,利用身体构造上的特点,两人在体育场上大放异彩。 随着毕业的临近,鲍勃和华特的学生时代即将抵达终点。在华特的极力劝说下,鲍勃终于答应同他一起前往好莱坞发展。在灯红酒绿的好莱坞,两人一炮而红,而正是随之而来的金钱和名誉成为了兄弟二人分家的导火索。华特恋上了名叫艾普丽(伊娃·门德斯 Eva Mendes 饰)的漂亮姑娘,这一事件让从小到大都未曾分开过的兄弟两人开始认真的考虑起了各自的未来。